Community Info & Interest Form
Thanks for your interest in this community! Here is some of what the community will offer:

- Once a month Zoom call with Gladys (recorded for those who can't attend)
- 90 planner faith planner
- Themed 30-Day Devotionals
- Accountability Challenges
- Parenting Worksheets
- Faith Worksheets
- Apologetic studies (defense of the faith, answering difficult questions people have about God, faith, church)
- Audio downloads
- Video library
- and more......

I will host a sneak peak of the community site on Zoom on Sept. 4 at 7:00 p.m. (CST)  If you would like to be put on the list to be the first to receive the Zoom info and community sign-up link -- fill out the form below.

If you aren't able to attend the Zoom meeting, a link to the video will be provided.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Confirm email: *
First and last name. *
What do you hope to gain form the community?  This will help me know what material to include. *
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