2020 Staff Application Form
To apply to help out in the running of All Saints of North America Orthodox Camp as a part of our staff team, please fill out the following form:
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Applicant Info
Name *
Gender *
Age (as of July 1st, 2020) *
Date of Birth *
Baptized Orthodox? *
Name of Home Parish *
T-shirt Size *
Swim Level *
E-mail Address *
Street Address *
City *
Province/State *
Postal/Zip Code *
Home Phone *
Medical Info
Family Physician *
Physician Phone Number *
BC Health Care Number *
Additional Insurance (type and number)
Parish Priest Contact Info
Priest's Name *
Phone *
E-mail Address *
If someone recommended that you apply, please provide his/her full name.
Have you worked at camp in the last two years (2018 or 2019)?  We may contact you for references.
Other Info
Which positions are you applying for?
What Skills and Interests prepare you for these roles? Is there anything you are not willing to do? *
Anything else that the camp administration should know about?
I will have my Criminal Record Check completed on time for the July 1st deadline. (This is necessary for all camp staff and attending spouses) *
I have read Policies, Standards, and Procedures of the Orthodox Church in America on Sexual Misconduct, and will be able to sign the Camp Sexual Harassment Policy Acknowledgement upon arrival at camp. *
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