BMM2026 Volunteer Sign-UP Form for Functional Committee

Volunteers are needed for various committees - 

To be considered for any role for BMM Convention 2026 you should have purchased SMM membership for the year 2024 and agree to renew your membership for 2025 and 2026. 

 If the spots in any of the committees you are interested in are filled, you will be offered the opportunity to volunteer in other committees.  Thanks so much for Volunteering and supporting SMM. 

BMM 2026
First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Phone Number *
Your City and State *
Are you an SMM member? If yes, Say Yes and please provide the email ID (that you used to purchase the membership via PayPal.) If not, write "No." *
Select the committee you are interested in volunteering from the options below.
If you are interested in volunteering in multiple committees please indicate your choices by number. 
For example: 1. X, 2. Y, 3. Z. 
Please feel free to share any additional comments,  preferences or experiences regarding your application like your prior experience on supporting the committee, your BMM EC/ BMM Convention/ SMM EC experience etc. You may also share your other skills and interest  with us, such as photography, video editing, driving, art -n-craft, Rangoli  etc. *
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