We are keen to get as much information as possible in order to start the transition process swiftly, and to be ready for your child starting at St Mark's
This form will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, but completing this information electronically will save you time in the future.
Before starting please can you ensure you have the following information available:
- Contact details for: parent(s), current pre-school/nursery, doctor's surgery.
- National insurance numbers for parent(s)
- The name and phone number of 1 or 2 emergency contacts, who aren't the child's parent(s).
- Names of friends that the child knows (used for making class lists or helping them to settle in)
Whilst we do ask that you email a photo of the birth certificate/passport and also proof of address, we will still need to see the physical documents before your child starts school.
If you have any questions, please do call us on 01256 346 111 or email
adminoffice@st-markscofe.hants.sch.ukPlease be assured that all information submitted on this form is stored securely and in line with current GDPR practices.
Thank you.