Madison Area CLT Homebuyer Pre-Application
MACLT's Pre-Application is the first step to buy a home in our homeownership program. To help us get a sense of whether you will qualify for MACLT programming, please submit answers to questions below. If it looks like you are likely to be eligible for our programming, we will send you more information about the process. 

To fill out this application, you will need: 

-Names and birth year of your household
-Approximate gross income for this year
-Approximate liquid assets
-Approximate credit score. 

Please answer as accurately as you can based on your knowledge, and you may update the form later if answers change. The Applicant Selection Criteria policy available on our website details the process for selecting buyers. If you are selected to buy a home with MACLT, significant documentation will be needed regarding income and assets, though they are not needed at this time.
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