Share your passkey endpoints well-known URL for Google Password Manager Passkey Upgrade Support

To enable passkey upgrades in Google Password Manager, place a JSON file on your server at /.well-known/passkey-endpoints. This is called a "passkey endpoints well-known URL" and is an open protocol for aligned parties to formally advertise their support for passkeys and provide direct links for passkey enrollment and management. You can expect a similar effect on other platforms when they support passkey endpoints well-known URLs.

For more information check out: Promote passkey upgrades in Google Password Manager

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ایمیل *
Site 1
Please enter a URL pointing to your passkey-endpoints file. 
For example:
Site 2
Please enter a URL pointing to your passkey-endpoints file. 
For example:
Site 3
Please enter a URL pointing to your passkey-endpoints file. 
For example:
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