Living Soil Asia Course Registration
Please fill up the form below, and we will send you a confirmation email to proceed with payment.
Do reach out to us at or via Whatsapp 96394136 if you encounter any issues or have any queries.

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you!
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How did you find out about Living Soil Asia and our courses?
Have you attended Living Soil Asia's courses before? *
Please select the course(s) that you wish to register for. *
Full Name *
Email *
Contact Number *
No. of Pax  *

As part of our efforts to bring this programme that we so love to more people, and to co-create these memories with you, we will be documenting our times together via photo, video and/or audio recordings. These materials may be used for the purpose of publicity (to share what we do with more people), administration (to report to our supporters), and education (for future teaching materials/ publication, and/or our own learning to improve our programmes). 

Please check either one of the options to help us understand your basic boundaries around this, so that we may proceed with the documentation with mutual understanding and support. 

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