Catkins Goodness of Fit Survey
Thank you for your interest in FortWhyte Alive's Forest School program for preschoolers.  We are asking families to complete this Goodness of Fit Survey so that we may assess your child’s readiness and fit for the program.  By completing this survey, you are starting the application process to enroll your child in the program.  Please note that FortWhyte Alive is not a licensed child care facility and our Forest School program is categorized as a day camp.

After the survey is completed and reviewed, you will be contacted within a few days to let you know if your application for eligibility has been successful.  If you have been approved to enroll, you will be sent a link to our online registration site to complete your child's registration or sign up on the waitlist.  

The Goodness of Fit Survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.  Please fill out one survey per child.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
1. Phone number *
2. Name of parent or guardian *
3. Name of parent or guardian
4. Name of child *
5. Child's date of birth *
6. Select which session you are interested in enrolling your child in (select all that apply)
7. Is your child within the age range for this program?
(Minimum age 5.75; maximum age 10.75  at the start of the session. E.g. for Sep-June 2024/25, born no earlier than January 1, 2014 and no later than January 1, 2019, etc.)
8. How did you hear about our program? *
9. Do you have an active FortWhyte Alive membership? *
10.  Please include your membership number below.  To be eligible for a member discount, you must have a valid membership at the time of registration.
With a FortWhyte Alive membership, you get a 10% discount on the Forest School program fee.
To learn more about our membership visit 
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