Archives at NCBS: Public Engagement Coordinator
The Archives at NCBS is a public centre for the history of science in contemporary India. This form is for those interested in a 3 month project as a public engagement coordinator at the Archives at NCBS.

Duration: 3-6 months (flexible).
Pay: Negotiable based on experience
Where: In-person at NCBS in Bangalore, but some remote work is possible.

Are you interested in helping us get the word out for the Archives at NCBS? What blue sky ideas and visions might you have for repositioning the archive as a public physical and virtual space? Do keep in mind that work in public engagement would also include the following baseline activities:
- Creating lively social media engagement that sparks public conversation (currently on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)
- Managing and hosting public events, including an ongoing lecture series and giving tours of the archives exhibition space.
- Creating one new avenue to make archival material accessible, likely in the form of a newsletter
- Curating content from the archives for merchandise: T-shirts, postcards, bookmarks, anything else.
- Liaison with local schools and colleges, including conducting tours

Version 1: Nov 10 2022
Version 2: Jun 26 2023
Details about the centre and all positions here:
Contact: archives at ncbs dot res dot in.
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Name *
Email address
Mobile phone contact (Format: 1234567890)
Please give us the names, affiliations and email addresses for two referees who can speak about you and your professional work/practice. *
Please share a resume. To do this, share a website link/URL to a website or cloud-based folder (e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox or OneDrive or your own website) where you have kept your resume. And please make sure it can be opened by anyone without needing a special account. This is the only mode for submitting resumes. Attachments sent to an NCBS email address will likely be rejected by the server. Thank you! *
What is your earliest possible (and realistic) availability date? *
Please share your vision for public engagement and outreach for the Archives at NCBS. Why do you see yourself as a good fit? What have you been doing before this? What ideas do you want to share to push the boundaries of what this place is about, and what expectations do you have from it? Think of this as a statement of intent or project proposal for your residency. Please do keep this within 750 words / 5000 characters.
A little off topic, but here is a case scenario: There is a statue of a celebrated scientist in your city, and it's been around for decades. At the foot of the statue is an engraving with a quote from the scientist. This quote was originally pulled from a document kept at a city archive. Let's say the quote broadly celebrates science, and the scientist's role in scientific advances is largely unquestioned. You are currently the archivist at this city archive. It's been many years since this scientist passed away, and there are some other aspects of the scientist's behaviour that are now widely understood to be polarizing/offensive/problematic. Other documents in your city's archive also contain direct evidence of these problematic aspects of this scientist's persona. Now:
- Due to what is stated above, and the celebratory nature of the statue, some citizens of the city would like to take the statue down and push for a city-wide protest and get the attention of civic authorities.
- Some other citizens are aware of this scientist's offensive persona. While they feel they are not as affected by it, they are still okay with the statue being taken down. They are passive supporters of the protest.
- Some other citizens are aware of this offensive persona and not affected by it. They do not want the statue taken down because they feel the scientist's science is what is being celebrated with the statue. They are against the protest.
A vote is taken and it is split, with no conclusive decision. There is a public discussion around this issue held at the foot of the statue. As the archivist at the city archive, you are called into this public discussion to voice your opinion and what might be some next steps. What might you say or write? You can also take issue with this case scenario and critique it.
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