NUW Scholars Student Application
The Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies (CAIIS) is proud to announce the new NUW Scholars Program for incoming Native students. This is a cohort driven program that will provide a one-week residential experience for incoming students before Autumn 2020 courses begin and continues throughout the year.
The NUW Scholars cohort will also be part of a year-long two-credit seminar that will build community and help students braid their academic and social life on the UW campus and in Coast Salish lands. Activities include: meeting faculty and staff, campus tours, cultural events, off-site field trips, workshops on financial literacy, library tutorials, introduction to various majors, and other introductions to University systems.
Please fill out the following application to apply for this program.
Applications due: July, 01, 2020

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Student's name:
UW email address
UW net ID
Tribal Affiliation:
Emergency Contact info:
Are you a first year student?
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Are you a transfer student?
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What kinds of previous experiences have you had with the University of Washington?
How did you hear about the NUW Scholars program?
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Are you available for the week long summer program September 13-18, 2020?
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Are you available to commit to a weekly 1 hour seminar throughout the 2020-2021 academic year?
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Please describe why you would like to join the NUW Scholars program?
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