Interest Form: OSSE/EdConnective 1:1 Coaching for School and Instructional Leaders - Summer 2024
To empower school leaders to support and improve teaching and learning in their LEAs, the Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE) has partnered with EdConnective to offer personalized, 1:1 virtual coaching for school and district leaders.  Over 250 DC area leaders have participated in this program since June 2021. 

This program will be centered around your goals for professional growth.  Perhaps you want to better use data, improve your feedback, work with educators and staff members to accelerate student learning, or achieve strategic plan goals.  Together with your coach, you will set goals and accountability measures to help you meet those goals. 

The experience would begin with a Kickoff Meeting and optional leadership workshop.  Participants will then be carefully matched with an expert EdConnective leadership coach and have unlimited access to personalized, 1:1 coaching sessions for up to 90 days.
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Position or Title: *
Local Education Agency: *
School: *
What are your school or professional goals for this school year? *
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