ACES Garden Club Sign Up
Garden Club members will learn about the gardening process from seed to table, with an emphasis on closing the food loop. Students will be actively involved in planting, maintaining, and harvesting vegetables and fruits through hands-on learning experiences including planting, watering, weeding, spacing, pest control, and much more!

Additional Details:
  • Garden Club is open to grades 1-5
  • This club meets on Fridays before school from 8:15-9:00am
  • Garden Club meets from October 7th until December 9 and then will begin again in March. 
  • Garden Club will not meet on days when there is no school (no club on November 4, 11, and 25)
  • This is an OUTDOOR club. Please have students dress appropriately and bring water. Participants will be notified if garden club is canceled due to weather.

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Full Name of Parent/Guardian *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Do we have your permission to share your name and email address with other Garden Club members? (phone number will not be shared) *
Name of Participating Student *
Current Grade of Student *
Name of Participating Student #2
Current Grade of Student #2
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Name of Participating Student #3
Current Grade of Student #3
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Name of Participating Student #4
Current Grade of Student #4
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Parent Volunteer Interest (check all that apply) *
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