#EOFF2022 Participation Survey
THANK YOU for attending this year's celebration of film, music, and community in The Grande Ronde Valley. Please take a moment to give us the skinny on your experience this year so that we can improve. WE LOVE YOU.
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How would you describe your role in participation?
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Your age
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How did you hear about us? 
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Did you visit from outside Union County?
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Did you stay at a hotel or Air B&B?
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Did you attend the after parties?
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How many screenings did you attend or view?
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Did you dine at local restaurants?
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Did you shop at local businesses?
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An estimate of $ spent per day, outside of the festival.
Overall rating for your festival experience
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Feedback or Testimonial
Your email
Honest feedback and thoughtful responses go a long way. As we look for granting partners and building our presence  it helps us make the case for investment if you help to prove our case :)
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