Corporate Wellness With Kama
I'll need a few pieces of information to help me tailor my services to your specific needs and budget. Please take 5 minutes to get us started. I'll reach out to you in 3-5 business days with your custom quote and a calendar link so we can discuss it over Zoom.
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Email *
What is your name and title? *
What is your company name? *
What are your primary goals for implementing a wellness program? *
How many employees are in your organization? *
What is your budget for wellness initiatives?
What specific wellness challenges or concerns do your employees have?
Are there any existing wellness initiatives or programs in place?
Which package interests you the most?
How often would you like these sessions to occur? *
How long would you like to commit? *
What level of employee engagement are you looking to achieve?
Are there any regulatory or compliance considerations we need to address?
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