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Do you own or have you owned cryptocurrency? *
Which type of wallet do you use? *
How often do you use your wallet?
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Rate the level of importance when thinking of storing cryptocurrency *
Slightly Important
Fairly Important
Very Important
Ready to use
What is the feature or advantage you didn't find in the present crypto storage solutions? (optional)
What do you care about when choosing your storage provider? *
Would you trust a third party in the private key generation? *
How important is it to you to be considered stylish? *
Not at all important
Very Important
Would you use a physical multi-signature wallet M-Of-N? *
Don't need one
I need one
How do you choose your storage provider? *
Would you support and/or donate to a new project from the crypto ecosystem? *
Would you like to subscribe to the upcoming campaign launch? Write down your E-mail (optional)
Where do you live? *
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