(R0) Reading 0 : Test
Instruction : Select the best answer (25 items).
Correo electrónico *
ID, Name-Surname (R0 :Test) *
Passage 1 : Technology  (no. 1-5)
(R0.1)  What are the names of Green Technology?
1 punto
(R0.2)  Where is the project of Forest management ?
1 punto
(R0.3) Where is the project of Organic agriculture ?
1 punto
(R0.4)   Where is the project of Solar energy?
1 punto
(R0.5)  Where is the project of Renewable energy?
1 punto
Passage 2 : Business  (no. 6-10)
(R0.6)  Where is the top product of Sugar Cane ?
1 punto
(R0.7)  Where is the top product of Pork ?
1 punto
(R0.8) Where is the top product of Banana ?
1 punto
(R0.9)  Where is the top product of Cow Milk?
1 punto
(R0.10)  Where is the richest Asian country?
1 punto
Passage 3 : Disaster (no. 11-15)
(R0.11)  How to prevent disaster?
1 punto
(R0.12)  What is the bags of food, water, clothing, first aid, warmth and shelter, sanitation and hygiene, lighting, and communication? 
1 punto
(R0.13)  How long to stay without breathing?
1 punto
(R0.14)  How long to stay without water?
1 punto
(R0.15)  What are the top three countries to have disaster?
1 punto
Passage 4 : Climate Change  (no. 16-20)
(R0.16)  Which insect can transmit dengue fever?
1 punto
(R0.17)  What are the effects of climate change in Africa?
1 punto
(R0.18)  Where is the lots of corals in the seas and oceans have die?
1 punto
(R0.19) Where is longer heatwaves? 
1 punto
(R0.20)  When is the period of Earth’s temperature increases?
1 punto
Passage 5 : Pollution (no. 21-25)
(R0.21) What are causes of air pollution?
1 punto
(R0.22)   Where is the main place of medical pollution? *
1 punto
(R0.23)  What are causes of water pollution? *
1 punto
(R0.24)   What are air pollutants? *
1 punto
(R0.25)   What are causes of land pollution? *
1 punto
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