League of Innovators Labs Accelerator Program Batch 7 Application
Congratulations on finding the League of Innovators (LOI) and setting the intention to apply to the Labs national virtual accelerator program for youth-led Canadian startups (businesses, social enterprises and emerging non-profits included). We promise you won't regret your decision.

Applications open until midnight pst (Vancouver) on August 15th, 2021! Labs Batch 7 begins in September 2021 after Labour Day and runs for 12 weeks.

Please fill out one application per venture. 50% or more of your co-founding team must be 25 years or younger (in the year you are applying) to apply for this program. If you have any questions about the application process feel free to reach out to Acceleration Programs Director, Annika (annika@theleagueofinnovators.com). We'd love to hear from you!

This application should take about one hour to complete. There are three sections to this application. The first section is about your startup, the second section is about your team and the final section is about your supporting application information.
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Your First and Last Name *
The best email to reach you at *
Full names of all co-founders (put N/A if a solo entrepreneur) *
Co-Founder email addresses (put N/A if solo entrepreneur) *
1. a) Tell us about you and your co-founders (if you have co-founders). *
We'd love to know about your diverse skillsets, how you're currently spending your time, lived experiences, how you know each other and how long you've been working together as a team.
1. b) How many co-founders do you have? *
2. Where is your team located? (City, Province/Territory) *
Labs is open to residents of Canada and Canadians living abroad. If you are living outside of Canada please let us know where you are. We are open to supporting any youth in Canada despite their status.
3. a) Is 50% or more of your founding team 25 years old or younger? *
 This is important because the League of Innovators exists to support the next generation of changemakers and innovators.
3. b) As of September 2021, how old will all of your cofounders be? *
4. a) What do you classify your startup as? *
4. b) Describe your startup in 2-3 sentences *
4. c) What is the name of your startup? *
5. What is the problem you are trying to solve and who are you solving it for? If applicable, please also tell us the social purpose behind your startup here as well. *
7. Is your organization incorporated? (no preference here) *
8. What is your business model? Describe the revenue streams you have or are planning to build. *
9. Have you raised any funds? If so, how much have you raised? *
10. What stage is your startup at? *
11. What area(s) do you need the most help with? How can the League of Innovators empower your entrepreneurial journey? *
Please elaborate here on how the League of Innovators Labs program can help you (and your team) to build your entrepreneurial skillset, entrepreneurial mindset with a social purpose. What is/are those big rocks or challenges that you need to overcome in order to the dial on your startup?
12. Is your team able to commit up to 5 hours of programming each week in addition to your other commitments and running your startup? *
The League of Innovators Labs workshop programming happens at 10 am PST/1 pm EST for 60 or 90 minutes Monday - Thursday. Your venture huddle and office hours will be scheduled outside these windows. A venture huddle if your weekly group coaching session where you will meet with someone on the League of Innovators team and a handful of other startups to stay accountable to your goals, offer feedback, problem solve and build connections. We are committed to making this program as accessible as possible through offering access to recordings of live sessions (not including venture huddles) and flexibility for 1+ of your team members to attend each session (you can work our your schedule with your team) if everyone is unable.
13. What excites you most about the LOI Community? How do you plan to get involved in the LOI Community? *
We believe in the power of the League of Innovators' peer community and broader network of supporters and partners to support the journeys of the founders coming after them to share knowledge and resources. We'd love to know if this resonates with you.
14. How long have you been working on your startup? How many hours a week do you spend working on your startup? *
15. What is a milestone you are proud of either startup or life-related? *
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