AVCX Trivia Puzzle 2023 #16 (8/26)
Puzzle by Krystian Imgrund
Edited by Michael Lieberman
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Since its publication in 1989, We're Going on a Bear Hunt has sold millions of copies and has been a favorite picture book of children and parents around the world.  This week, we invite you to join us for a bear hunt.  What kinds of bears will you find?

The following questions all have two answersone standard answer and one theme answer you’ll have to hunt through the standard answer to find.  

Please enter answers in the form: ANSWER 1 / ANSWER 2

1) Reminiscent of the apple from Genesiswhat mythical object was opened to disastrous consequences by a human created by the god Hephaestus, but whose story nonetheless has a hopeful ending?

2)  Mia Mottley, the Prime Minister of Barbados, is leading an initiative to overhaul the global financial system to better serve developing nations in need of financial support to develop sustainably and address the impacts of climate change. The initiative bears the name of what capital city?

3) While often more raucous than its modern-day counterpart, this historical winter solstice celebration, meant to honor a certain agricultural deity, did include several still-familiar traditions, including giving friends and loved ones small gifts (often terracotta figurines called sigillaria). What is this ancient festival called?

4) What honorary position in the United Kingdom was first held by John Dryden and is currently held by Simon Armitage, who succeeded Carol Ann Duffy?

5) With a logo featuring a prehistoric proboscidean, what is the name of the decentralized, open-source social network created by Eugen Rochko that saw a surge in popularity in late 2022 following a digital diaspora from another well-known social media platform? 

6) What 1975 album, whose opening track ends with the lyric “we always did feel the same / we just saw it from a different point of view / tangled up in blue,” is widely believed to be an autobiographical break-up record? While the artist denies any connection to his divorce, his son Jakob said of the album, “the songs are my parents talking.”  

7) Which professional wrestler, who was sometimes called “The Eighth Wonder of the World,” played the role of Fezzik in The Princess Bride?

8) In the late 1800s, mechanic Charles Fey sold inventions like the “4-11-44” to San Francisco saloons. His most popular invention had an automatic three-reel mechanism imprinted with various symbols, including diamonds, horseshoes, and stars. While Charles named this invention the “Liberty Bell”, what is its more familiar name today?

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