Private and Get a Group Swim Lesson Request
Welcome to the Pinedale Aquatic Center’s Private Swim Lesson portal. Please input the information below, and we will match you with an instructor as soon as possible. Please allow for 72 hours for us to respond to you. Depending on instructor availability, we will do our best to match you with an instructor who accommodates your needs and schedules. We are better able to field requests that have open availabilities, especially on evenings and weekdays.

For group requests, be sure to add all the participants that will be in the group and ensure that they are of similar skill level.
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Name and Age of Participant - If this is a get a group request, please enter all participants and ages below.
What swimming level is/are the participant/s?
Do you have a specific instructor that you would like to request?
What times and days work best?
Contact info
Your name *
Phone number *
Preferred contact method *
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