NVDA Future Improvements Survey
NV Access would like to work with the community to identify the most important bugs and feature requests for NVDA. With over 2000 open issues on Github, it can be difficult for us to understand which issues are the most hard hitting for the greatest amount of people. By filling in this short survey, you can help us better prioritize our future work.
As always, we make no promise that creating an issue or filling in this survey will mean that your particular issues are addressed in a timely manner, however we will look very carefully at this data, and prioritize our work to ensure we provide positive impact to the greatest number of users.
Your answers are annonymous. No identifying information will be asked for in this survey.  However, by filling in this survey you are agreeing that NV Access may make this data public for all to see.
Thank you for your help in improving NVDA.
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Your Most Important Issues
Please list the 2 most important issues you would like fixed in NVDA, in no particular order.
For each issue, we have provided a field for a description of the issue (including how it impacts your daily life), and an optional field to provide the Github issue number if you know it. If you are familiar with Github we do ask that you provide the number if one exists as it will greatly help us in collating the results. But don't worry if you don't know if there is an issue number, your answer will be still valuable to us.
First issue description
Describe the issue you would like fixed in NVDA. How does this issue impact your work or daily living? How are you currently working around this problem?
First Github issue number
Second issue description
Describe another issue you would like fixed in NVDA. How does this issue impact your work or daily living? How are you currently working around this problem?
Second Github issue number
How You Use NVDA
Please answer the following questions so we better understand how you use NVDA in your daily life.
How do you rely on NVDA? [Choose all that apply]
Where do you use NVDA? [choose all that apply]
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