Trades of the Expanse: Who Would you Like to see next? 
Trades of the Expanse is a PDF series that details the occupations and professions players can explore in The Expanse RPG. Each PDF includes info on creating characters who practice a specific trade, game systems for handling their jobs, new rules content such as new ships, specializations and equipment, and adventure hooks and ideas for the GM to craft tie-in stories.

So far, we've published Journalist, Scout, Planetary Explorer, Bounty Hunter, and there are four more trades on the list - and you get to tell us which one you would like to see written next!  In addition, we're taking suggestions for a Trade we should add to the mix, which you can share here, and by responding to the social media post that brought you here! 
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Which career would you like to see up next for the Trades of The Expanse series?  *
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