Storytelling & Pie Evening - CALS First Cats
Thursday, March 14, 2019
5 - 7 pm
Saguaro Hall, Room 219

Join the CALS First Cats and the Peace Corps at our joint event: Storytelling & Pie Evening! We'll celebrate Pi Day (3/14) with pizza pie and dessert pie.

Even better? The evening will be filled with stories from Returned Peace Corps Volunteers - some of whom were also first generation college students. Hear about their international travels and service work, about the Peace Corps process, and learn about the UA Peace Corps Prep Program for undergraduate students.

This evening event, from 5 - 7 pm, replaces the previously planned CALS First Cats meeting (which was from 3:30 - 5 pm on the same day). RSVP below to help with pizza ordering.

Questions? Email Antonio Valenzuela ( or Nancy Rodriguez-Lorta (
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