Yondercast Topic Submission Form
If you have multiple questions or topics, please fill this form out multiple times, once for each item.
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What question or topic would you like us to address? *
Which category does your question fit in to?
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What is your name?
This is optional, but allows us to thank you on the show. We will not share this information with anyone else. By providing a name, you are agreeing to allow us to read your first name (no last name) on the show. Example: "This week, Andrew asks..."
What is your email address?
This is optional, but allows us to contact you if necessary (if we need to clarify your request, for example). By providing an email, you are agreeing to allow us to contact you. However, you are not adding yourself to our mailing list unless you select YES in the following question. We will not share this information with anyone else.
Would you like to receive emails from us?
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Do you have any feedback for us?
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