Front-end Development Part-II
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You have created a box that has a height set with CSS. Which line of CSS would add scroll bars if the content is taller than the box, but leave no visible scroll bars if the content fits into the box? *
1 point
Which choice is not a render blocking resource? *
1 point
In normal flow, some elements display as block elements default and others inline. which choice contains only block-level by default elements?** *
1 point
Your website uses CSS Grid Layout extensively, and a visitor who navigates using the keyboard tells you that they seem to jump erratically all over the screen when navigating. What is the most likely problem? *
1 point
You want to create striped table rows using CSS without adding a class to any element. Which CSS would correctly apply the background color to every odd row in your table? *
1 point
What is WebP? *
1 point
Which array method should you apply to run a function for every item within an array, returning an array of all items for which the function is true? *
1 point
In the context of this code, how would you describe user? *
1 point
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What does the term "tree shaking" mean with regard to JavaScript performance? *
1 point
Which line would you add to this code to add "Cosmos" to the list of currencies using JavaScript? *
1 point
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You are designing a site and creating a navigation bar linking to the main sections. Which HTML element should you use to indicate that this is the main navigation? *
1 point
The flex property is often applied to flex items with a value of 1. Using flex: 1 is a shorthand - what does it unpack to? *
1 point
How can you rewrite this function using arrow function syntax? *
1 point
You have a set of images that are slightly different sizes and aspect ratios. You don't mind if you crop off some of the image, but you want each image to completely fill a square box without being distorted. Which property and value would achieve this? *
1 point
What is the definition of the phrase “Time to Interactive”? *
1 point
 _ moves an element completely out of the page's normal layout flow, like it is sitting on its own separate layer. From there, you can fix it in a position relative to the edges of the page's <html> element (or its nearest positioned ancestor element)? *
1 point
Lighthouse is a tool for auditing your website. Which choice is not a category of report offered by Lighthouse? *
1 point
How would you change this code to make Vanilla selected by default? *
1 point
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what does the CSS selector a[href$="org"] select? *
1 point
Which choice does not provide information on browser support for a particular CSS property? *
1 point
A webpage has rel="preconnect" added to a link resource. What will this do? *
1 point
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Which choice is not of invoking strict mode in JavaScript? *
1 point
You discover that CSS is being loaded on a website using the following code. Why might a web developer have done this? *
1 point
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