2020 IISE Annual Conference Service Projects in New Orleans
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Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the 2020 IISE Annual Conference Service Project in New Orleans.

We are looking for about 24 people who are interested in skills-based industrial and systems engineering and process improvement volunteering.

We will be working with two organizations this year, due to great interest in volunteering from previous conferences. Read about our past projects here: http://www.sustainableengineer.org/sustainable-development-division-takes-on-2-nonprofit-service-projects-prior-to-orlando-conference/

The organizations are still being finalized, but we can tell you, based on past experiences, we will find some great organizations to partner with, and you will have a rewarding day!

Plan to travel on Friday into New Orleans (if you are flying), so you can be there for the event on Saturday October 31st, 2020. The actual volunteer event will run from 9am-Noon. We will ask you to arrive at 8am on Saturday in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency New Orleans (location of the conference). We will return to the hotel by 1pm.

More details to come as we get closer to the dates.

By signing up below, you are expressing interest in this project, and will be kept in communication as we finalize details. If you decide you cannot attend, simply let us know by October 15th.

NOTE: If you previously signed up for this project for the original dates in May, we have your information, so no need to re-submit. We will send an email to confirm everyone once we get within a couple of weeks of the event. Sign up if you might be there, and if you can't make it, no worries.

Full Name *
Email *
Cell Phone (while in the US)
Any others planning to attend with you? If yes, list names below
Comments about your experience or travel plans *
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