Game Warden Application
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Application Requirements
1. Must have a working microphone
2. Must be 18 years of age or older.
3. Must be mature and willing to learn.

If you are unable to meet any of the qualifications stated above, please do not continue with this application.
Your Character's First and Last Name: *
Discord Username: *
Timezone: *
OOC Age? *
How long have you been active in the city? *
Tell Us About Yourself: *
Can be IC and/or OOC.
Why do you want to be a game warden(IC and OOC)? (At least 50 words) *
What makes you qualified for the position? *
Do you have prior experience do you have being an LEO? (IC and OOC)? *
If you answered yes, please outline your law enforcement experience below. *
Do you have any criminal history? (IC) *
If yes, please explain the circumstance.
Have you ever been fired from a job?
If yes to the previous, please explain the circumstance.
What are your goals within the SAGW? Why do you want to be a Deputy? *
Why should we hire you? Tell us what sets you apart? *
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