SMOREE Profile
You will achieve things in life. So what. Achievement of results alone isn't the point. Satisfaction in life is the point. And satisfaction is found when you achieve the results that matter to you and you achieve them in a way that leaves you energized and engaged not exhausted, disappointed or craving more. Your success in achieving results that satisfy is dependent on your ability to intentionally operate across six core success factors. This profile helps you organize your current beliefs around your design in those six core success factors. Those factors are Strengths, Motivations, Opportunities, Recognition, Energy, Emotions.

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Strengths *
Consider the following when identifying strengths.  These are the things that I am good at, people seek out my advice on, and/or I am comfortable teaching others how to do. I lean into opportunities to do these things.
Motivations *
Consider the following when identifying motivations. I would stop working today if I was no longer able to? When I die, I want to be remembered for? The thing that speaks to my heart is?  Note: This assumes you are currently able to meet your basic needs for food, shelter, security (Maslow's lower level needs).
Opportunities *
Consider the following when identifying your opportunity areas. I am trying to get better at? I wish I was better at? I typically avoid having to? When I work on a project, I seek guidance on?
Recognition (rewards) *
Consider the following when identifying your recognition preferences. When I do my job well it is most meaningful when I am recognized by? What are your go to ways for recognizing others?
Energy (creation) *
Consider the following when identifying your sources of energy. At work the things I do that give me energy are? Outside of work the things that give me energy are? When I am tired/fatigued I recharge by?
Energy (depleters) *
Consider the following when identifying the things that drain your energy. At work the things I do that drain my energy are? Outside of work the things that drain my energy are? I know I am out of energy when?
Emotions (at your best) *
When I am operating at my best.  The emotions that show up are? My emotions show up in these ways?
Emotions (at your worst) *
When I am not operating at peak (or worse). The emotions that show up are? My emotions show up in these ways?
Now What: Reduce Bias
Now that you have created your inventory. Consider sharing it with a trusted advisor to get their thoughts. People tend to either overstate or understate the elements of their profile. A second opinion helps eliminate bias from your profile.
Then what?
Now you know how you operate as you work to achieve results, but you must consider what intentional adjustments can you make to improve your ability to achieve results in a sustainable way. What I have found is that by paying attention to how you are operating across these six factors and making intentional adjustments you can improve your ability to achieve results in a sustainable way. Knowledge is great, but thoughtful and intentional actions are what lead to better outcomes. The Arch Impacts Daily Outcomes Planner is a great tool for taking this to the next level. Send an email to for a free sample page.  
Taking your knowledge to the next level
Consider these question. Does achieving the results you do today feel like you envisioned it would? Is success as satisfying and rewarding as you thought it would be? Does the high of the reward last as long as you thought it would? If your answer to any of these is no, it might be time for a full diagnostic and more complete action plan including a coaching engagement.  Head over to for more information.
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