COVID-19 Pandemic: Scientist volunteer form
To limit the spread and negative impact of the COVID-19 virus in the United States, it is critical for scientists to organize and make use of their skills if/when called upon. We are asking for your help in creating a national database of scientists willing and able to aid in the fight against this disease.

Please fill out the questions below. If you do not have experience in any of the methods currently on this list, please add your expertise in the "Other" box at the end of the form. This will be periodically updated as calls for specific skill sets become necessary. You can update your responses at any time by following the link included in the confirmation email you will receive from Google after submission.
Note that your personal information will not be made freely available and will only be shared with research institutions, healthcare providers, community leaders, and/or government agencies upon their request. This information will not be shared with an entity that does not meet these criteria without additional consent from you.

Finally, please share with anyone who you think might be interested. Stay safe--thank you.

--COVID-19 National Scientist Volunteer Database Coordination Team
Note: We are organizing this database as private citizens

For more information, or to request access to the database on behalf of your organization, please go to OR email us at 

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Full name *
Phone number
Job Title (e.g. postdoc, graduate student, PI) *
Abbreviation of state where you currently live? (e.g. MA, OH, NC) *
Zip code (e.g. 43119, 02139, etc.) *
Where do you currently do research (e.g. Harvard, Ohio State University, Novartis, etc.) *
Do you have qPCR experience? *
Do you have RNA extraction experience? *
Do you have RNA extraction kits you are willing to donate? *
Are authorized to do BSL2 work? *
Do you have experience working with RNA viruses? *
Other skills/experience?
Other equipment/reagents you are authorized and willing to donate (please separate with commas)?
Anything else we should know about you?
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