7th Grade Course Requests 2024 - 2025 
Welcome to Middle School! Please note this form is to request classes at Miller Middle School. We do our best to get as many student's into their top choice as possible, if a class is full we will look to your next choice. If you have requested a transfer, because you live outside Miller's attendance area, please note completing this form does not guarantee approval of your transfer. You will receive notification from the district letting you know if the transfer has been approved. If you have not received notification regarding your transfer, you are welcome to complete the form so we know what classes you would like. We also encourage you to complete course selections and the registration process through your home school in case the transfer is not able to be granted.

We are requesting that class requests be made by March 8th in order get as many students as possible into their top choices. We know some families will move into the area or not know yet if they are attending Miller, rest assured this form can still be completed after that date. If you would like to make a change to your requests please resubmit the form and your most recent submission will be used.
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Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student ID number (lunch number)
Student Birthday *
6th Grade Teacher *
Elementary School *
Math Level: Grade Level or Accelerated
What are the possible courses for general education seventh graders?
7th Grade Math:  Grade level course, majority of students are usually enrolled in this course.
Accelerated 7th Grade Math: The purpose of this course is to create a pathway for students wanting to take two years of college level mathematics in high school. Students will learn all 7th grade math content plus half the year of standards from 8th Grade Math.  Therefore, students will learn a year and a half worth of mathematical content in a single school year. Students must take this course in order to enroll in Accelerated 8th Grade Math 1, which also covers 1 ½ years of curriculum. Students who take Advanced 8th Grade Math 1 will have their grade posted on the high school transcript. If the course is passed with a D grade or above, the student will earn five credits per semester.  

How do I know if Accelerated 7th Grade Math will be a good fit for my child?
Accelerated Math classes cover 1 ½ years of curriculum in one year. For this reason, Accelerated Math candidates are students who pick up new concepts quickly and do not need a lot of practice time to gain a solid understanding of lessons taught. Accelerated Math students should have a strong grasp of 6th grade math as there is not time to review previously taught concepts throughout the year. Parents can review their child’s previous math performance to look for mostly advanced marks (A’s or 4’s) on their report cards and Standard Met or Standard Exceeded on state assessments.  

Further details can be found in the incoming 7th grade packet. 
In which Level Math would you like your 7th grader placed? *
Elective Options
In Middle School all students have 5 core classes: English/Language Arts, History, Math, Science, and PE. Your 6th class of the day is an elective of your choice. We try to get as many students as possible into their first choice elective but it is not always possible due to the nature of the class (example: yearbook- since students produce one yearbook for the school there is only enough work for one class of 35 students). You can find flyers with more elective details in the incoming 7th grade packet:
After reviewing your options please select your top 5 choices. If your first choice is full I will move to your next choice, until I reach an elective you selected with availability. Please note selecting the same elective multiple times will not increase your chances of being placed in that elective, so please only select an option one time.  
1st choice Elective *
2nd choice Elective *
3rd Choice Elective *
4th Choice Elective *
5th Choice Elective *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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