^4Foresight College Of Commerce, Pune
Parents Feedback Form for “review of Syllabus” 2022 - 2023
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1. Name of Guardian:  *
2. Course in which your son/daughter is enrolled in:
3. Name of the Daughter/Son: 
4. Contact Number of Guardian: 
5. Email-id:  *
6. How do you rate the capabilities of BBA/BBA(IB)/BBA(CA) program syllabus in order to make the student entrepreneur. *
7. How do you rate the course in terms of relevance to the latest technologies or future technologies? *
8. How do you rate the programs based on the content of syllabus and its capabilities in order to get placement? *
9. How do you rate the academic outcomes that your Son/Daughter has achieved from the courses? *
10. Any other Comments / Remarks / Suggestions if any.
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