Social Media & Press Partnerships
Hello social media mavens, wanderlust-fueled explorers, internet influencers, blog-tographers (we might have made that one up), and other talented folks!

We at the Marseilles Hotel love working with driven and skilled people like you in trade-based agreements. It's great - we hook you up, you hook us up and everything is puppies and ice cream for both of us.

We get a lot of requests for partnerships, so please fill out this short form to help speed up the process. Tell us a little about you, your super powers, what you're offering, and what you're looking for from us to get this partnership rolling.

First things first... let's get your contact info. We promise not to spam you, call you late at night, send you annoying email chains or drunk text you (unless you really want us to).

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your name?
Your email?
Your phone number?
Your fax number?
Does anyone still send faxes? Honestly, we're not gonna fax you, but if makes you feel better go ahead and put one down.
Where are you from?
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