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Hello! We're glad that you are interested in learning more about how you can serve in the worship ministry at Highland.
This is a fun, challenging, and rewarding ministry to be a part of. It is also a complex ministry with many moving parts.  So for your advantage, and that of the worship ministry as a whole, there is a short process to become a regularly scheduled member of the worship team.
Here are the first few steps…
(1)  Prayerfully consider your involvement.
(2)  Please read the following information in its entirety.
(There is a lot of important information that you will need to know)
(3)  Fill out the application below and click submit.
(4)  We will contact you about your application and schedule a time to meet.
Questions are welcome!
Jeff Nelson | Worship Minister | jeff@highlandchurch.org
Brian Lester | Worship Arts Coordinator | brianlester@highlandchurch.org
Team Commitments and Expectations
Worship on a platform is the overflow of a lifestyle of worship and a heart that is well-cultivated throughout the week. Personal spiritual intimacy with Jesus is our FIRST priority. One hour on a Sunday morning is a mere .6% of a week. If the only time we “worship” is .6% of our week, our priorities are misaligned. How can we lead people where we haven’t gone ourselves?

Rehearsals are infinitely smoother when everyone has listened to, practiced with and memorized the scheduled music. (You will be resourced in advance with all needed materials to prepare). Unless otherwise posted, you are expected to learn your parts exactly like the MP3, giving special attention to the tonal qualities of each vocal/instrument. For teamwork to happen effectively, we rely on you to play your part accordingly.

When ideas or suggestions are presented and received with a good attitude, the results are monumental for effective team building. If there are technical, musical or miscellaneous complications, keep attitudes positive and morale high. Be open to the constructive criticism of the worship leader. They are trying to pull out every bit of greatness in you they can find, so be patient and receptive of constructive feedback.

Everyone’s time is valuable. It’s important that everyone be punctual for rehearsals so that we can use our limited time as efficiently as possible. Arriving early is always a great idea. Being on time is a respect issue.  Tardiness communicates a lack of respect for your colleagues, for Highland, and for the Lord, so please make it a personal priority to be punctual. If an unexpected situation arises and you know you will be late, please communicate as quickly as possible with the worship leader.
Weekly Schedule for Worship Band Volunteers
This is a VERY rewarding ministry to be a part of, but it is also one of the more time intensive ministries of service in the church. On weeks that Worship Band members are scheduled, they will be expected to commit around 6 hours of time to the ministry (1-2 hours of personal practice, 2 hour Thursday rehearsal, and 2 hours on Sunday mornings). Take a moment to review the schedule below. This is the normal weekly schedule and commitment expectations for those leading in worship on Sunday.

- Listen, practice and memorize the music. We recommend starting this preparation process at least 5 days prior to Thursday rehearsal as a best practice.
- Some people need more than 1-2 hours of practice time in order to properly learn and memorize the music, while others may need less. This will differ for each person depending on their experience and skill level, but everyone must be committed to showing up to rehearsal prepared.

- Team Devotional (5:45pm – 6:15pm)
- Rehearsal (6:15pm – 8:00pm)

- Sharpen/correct any music that is still questionable

- Setup / Prayer / Final run-through (9:45am - 10:40am)
- Worship Service (11:00am - 12:00pm)
Weekly Schedule for A Capella Praise Team Volunteers
This is a VERY rewarding ministry to be a part of, but it is also one of the more time intensive ministries of service in the church. On weeks that A Capella Praise Team members are scheduled, they are expected to serve around 4 hours (1 hour of personal practice, 1 hr & 15 minute Wednesday rehearsal, and 1 hr & 30 min on Sunday mornings). Take a moment to review the schedule below. This is the normal weekly schedule and commitment expectations for those leading in worship on Sunday.

- Listen to the music and practice your vocal parts prior to Wednesday.
- Some people need more than 1 hr to practice in order to learn and memorize the music, while others may need less time. This will differ for each person depending on their experience and skill level, but everyone must be committed to showing up to rehearsal prepared.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT - (1 hr & 15 min)
- Team Devotional (5:45pm – 6:15pm)
- Rehearsal (6:15pm – 7:00pm)

- Sharpen anything that is still questionable

SUNDAY MORNING (1 hr & 30 min)
- Prayer / Final run-through (7:45 - 8:15am)
- Worship Service (8:45 - 9:45am)
Please prayerfully consider if you can meet the time requirements of this ministry before continuing on with this form.
This means thoughtfully considering how much time your current commitments and weekly habits require of you each week. After doing that, prayerfully consider which commitment or habit you need to give up (or give less time to responsibly) in order to prioritize the time needed to be a healthy team member in this ministry.
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