Independent Competition Submission Form
Thanks for your interest in hosting a competition!  Fill in the information requested and we will get your competition added to our competition finder map.  If you don't have some of the information, just fill in "N/A" as your answer, but the more information you can share with us, the easier we can help people get to your venue to compete.  We want to help grow steinholding across the country, so we support any venues or festivals that host competitions by adding them to our map. Think of it as free advertising! If you offer a prize, we may even go a step further and feature your competition on our social media pages to help promote it even more.  If you are thinking about hosting a competition in the future, let us know and we can help with any questions you might have.
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Name of Your Venue / Festival *
Venue / Festival Address *
Are you planning to offer a prize for the winner of your competition?  If so, what's the prize? *
Scheduled Date/Dates of Your Competition *
Scheduled Time of Your Competition *
Link to the website for your Venue/Festival *
Link to the Facebook page for your festival/venue *
Link to the Instagram page for your festival/venue *
Link to the Twitter page for your festival/venue
Is there a phone number we can share to help people contact you? *
Is there an email address we can share to help people contact you about your event? *
Will you be having men's competitions, women's competitions or both? *
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your competition or overall event?
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