AI Competence Framework for Youth Workers: Validation Survey
This survey is managed by the consortium of the Artificial Intelligence for Youth Work project, a Cooperation Partnership in the Youth field co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 2023-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000170929.

Objective: The main objective of this survey is to evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of the AI Competence Framework for Youth Workers developed by the project consortium, assess the quality of the guidelines and recommendations provided, and ensure the framework aligns with the unique needs and challenges faced by youth work professionals.

Target Groups: This survey primarily targets youth workers, representatives of youth organisations, providers of continuous professional development opportunities for youth workers, policy- and decision-makers in the field of youth.

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Please select the options that better describe your profile. *
Where are you based? *
What best describes your gender?
Multiple research studies have highlighted concerning gender differences in AI usage and perceptions. For instance, according to research by the Oliver Wyman Forum of 25,000 working adults surveyed in 16 geographies, 59% of male workers aged 18-65 around the world say they use generative AI tools at least once a week, while only 51% of women say the same. Most distressing, the gap is widest among the youngest of workers: 71% of men aged 18-24 say they use generative AI weekly, compared with 59% of women. (SourceWe're asking this question to ensure we gather a balanced representation of multiple gender identities. If you don't feel comfortable answering it, you can select the "Prefer not to say" option.
How would you evaluate your knowledge of AI? *
Our Framework should be accessible to everyone, regardless of the level of knowledge of the topic. 
How relevant do you find the AI Competence Framework for youth workers?
Very Irrelevant
Very Relevant
Please, indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements, using a scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree
The framework can improve youth workers' capacity to integrate AI into their work.
The framework effectively addresses the needs and challenges faced by youth workers in the context of AI.
The framework effectively addresses the specific competence needs and gaps youth workers face in their work.
The overall quality of the framework is high.
The framework is comprehensive.
The framework is likely to serve as a foundational tool for youth workers aiming to employ AI effectively and ethically in their training practices.
The framework aligns well with complementary European frameworks (e.g., DigComp, DigCompEdu)
The guidelines and recommendations provided in the framework to develop the competencies (Chapter 4) are clear.
The recommendations in the framework are useful to understand and apply AI competences in youth work.
If you participated in the focus groups of AI4YouthWork, to which extent you believe the Framework incorporates your perspective and voice?
Clear selection
Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you have regarding the AI Competence Framework for Youth Workers.
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