Party of One Games Submission Form
Hey there! If you're filling out this form, you've got a game you think would be a good fit for the show, you'd like for someone else other than you to play it with me on the show, AND you're not looking for the game to be featured in any specific timeline. To get the process started, we need some basic information on the game. Fill out this form to get started!

NOTE: We review submissions to this form as they come in, and do our best to reply in a timely manner; however, filling out this form does not guarantee your game a place on the show, nor does it guarantee that we'll respond or record in a given timeline. If you have a specific request you'd like to talk with us about (particularly time-sensitive requests like crowdfunding campaigns), the best way to reach us is via email at
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Your Contact Information
In case our team has questions, we may follow up with you before we release the episode, or send you email before or once the episode goes live on the feed.
Your Name
Your Pronouns
Your Email
Game Description
Tell us about your game! That way we can know who best to pitch it to, and who might get the most out of playing it.
Game Title
Short Description (1 paragraph or so)
Website where we can learn more about the game *
Any relevant content warnings
Review Copy Policy
We ask if at all possible that, when submitting a game for the show, you give a digital review/promo copy of the game (such as a Google Drive link or an download code). We will only download this review copy to review the rules and make sure they'd fit on the format of the show, and then share this digital document with, and ONLY with, the guest on the episode featuring your game. We will not sell, give away additional copies, or otherwise distribute the game in any capacity.
Link to Where We Can Download/Read the Game
Inclusivity Policy
Party of One is committed to making and maintaining an inclusive, welcoming space for gamers of all types. To that end, games that feature or promote racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and other related material are unwelcome.
Coverage Policy
While we would love to feature every game submitted through this application, we are limited by the availability and interest of our guests. We ask for your patience and recognition that filling out this form does not guarantee your game will appear on Party of One, or that it will appear within a specific timeline without explicit email discussion confirming that. We apologize, but it is the only way we can balance the volume of submissions, the enthusiasm of our guests, and the realities of scheduling.
By checking this box, you confirm you've read the Inclusivity & Coverage policies, and agree to both.
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