Brexit: Facts and Numbers
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Say if the sentence is true or false:The European Union is a partnership that allows people and products to move freely around member states.
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If the United Kingdom formally leaves the EU, British people may need a visa to stay in EU countries for a long time.
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Prime Minister David Cameron continues to work for the British government.
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The UK prepares to formally leave the EU in 2019 (according to the text)
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Complete the sentence:         His idea was approved  with twenty _______ in favour , and seven against.
1 point
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They cast their _______ for the Conservative party.
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Is it better to hold a _____ or let the President alone decide about the future of the country?
1 point
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Match the synonyms: state
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Match the synonyms:take part
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Match the synonyms:remain
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Match the definition with the word:an official mark, usually made in a passport to enter a country
1 point
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Match the definition with the word:an official limit on something.
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Match the definition with the word:the most recent information about something
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