Museum Workers' Salary Transparency 2024

We are collecting (and sharing: information about paid positions at museums and cultural institutions as well as internships both paid and unpaid. The form will separate into different questions depending on whether you select "employment" or "internship."

About this project:
In 2019, Art + Museum Transparency launched the original Salary Transparency spreadsheet for museum workers (in addition to the internships and unionizing spreadsheets). That original sheet has been archived, but this new version is back in 2022 through the National EMP Network (NEMPN) with guidance from Art + Museum Transparency! Please submit your salary info below (anonymously!) if you would like to share it with the broader museum workers community. We also invite you to check out NEMPN's other Salary Transparency work, where we accept submissions of jobs posted in the museum field not listing the salary and reach out to the institution to lobby for a change in this practice. Submit a posting without a salary here:

Instructions regarding privacy/demographic data:
While we are pushing for salary transparency, we also recognize that being transparent about your own identity can be very vulnerable or feel nerve wracking for some folks. Therefore, this project still remains heavily anonymous. Enter data, especially about race, gender, and other identifying factors ONLY IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE DOING SO. It's OK to leave items blank if entering such data will identify you, or if you simply don't care to answer. The data captured on this survey is never going to be a perfect, holistic overview. Instead, the point of the survey is proactively coming together in a spirit of transparency and collegiality, and offering some (but not complete, perfect) insights into our field, and so enter what you feel safe and comfortable with.

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This form was created inside of National Emerging Museum Professionals Network.

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