This Box is for Good

You're here because you received a This Box is for Good box. There are only a small number of these boxes in the world so far, and you’ve just been entrusted with one! 

But it is not yours to keep…

We initially created these boxes to share love and creativity with our friends and family. And to practice our linocut skills (and our collaboration skills!) 

As we were making them though, we also realized we want the boxes to last, to be collectively “owned” and shared generously and frequently. 

We want these boxes to be for GOOD. 

Our idea is simple:

1. Receive and enjoy all that your box contains. 

2. Register your box below.  Each box has a unique number. This is the step in which you get to delight us because we get to see  where the boxes show up in the world and watch the GOOD spread.

3. Choose someone you want to delight and fill the box with something special for them. 

4. Hand deliver, or mail your box (it costs about $18 to mail a box within Canada).

Eventually, we may design an interactive map so you can watch where your box shows up.  For now, we’re going to focus on creating a new edition of boxes each month. 

Boxes from our original edition, only created and gifted in December 2023, have already been registered in British Columbia, North Carolina, Germany and Australia! 

Thank you for helping us make these boxes be for GOOD. 

With love,

Lisa and Peter

P.S. To read more on how we created the boxes, check out Peter’s blog post.  If you have ideas for future boxes, and what to put in them, or you want to collaborate with us, please email
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What's your box number?
(You can find the number printed on the box, either on the bottom, or under the top flap;  Every number is preceded by the # symbol).  
What's your name?
(We won't make this public)
What's your email address?
(We won't make this public)
Can we share information (name, city, contents of box) with other people whose hands your box has passed through? *
Where do you live?
(We won't make this public)
Who did you receive your box from?
(We won't make this public)
What was in the box when you received it?
(We won't make this public)
What else would you like us to know?
(We won't make this public)
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