GWA Media Evaluation Survey
This survey is anonymous as we want to get honest and accurate feedback about the GWA media work.
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Who are you? *
What's your gender? *
What's your age? *
What's your favorite wingfoil discipline? *
Where do you get information about the GWA Wingfoil World Tour and upcoming events? *
Do you watch the promo video announcing the upcoming event? *
Are you well informed about the upcoming events? *
If you're not well informed, what information are you missing?
Do you follow the GWA Wingfoil World Tour in print magazines? *
Do you read our website articles? *
Do you read daily competition articles? *
How can we improve our articles?
Is it easy is to follow the GWA events online? *
Why it might be hard for you to follow the GWA events online?
Where do you get the information about the latest competition updates? *
What should we change or add, so you could follow the event more easily?
How regularly do you check the following mediums? *
Highlight videos
Social Media posts
Instagram stories
Event live tricker
How interested are you in the following *
Very Interested
Not interested
Heat by heat action updates
Behind the scenes event moments
Daily highlight videos
Single trick / wave clips
Interviews with riders
Tech talk about the gear used for competitions
Riders life between the competitions
Are you interested in following other topics than Wingfoil World Tour? *
If you answered yes, to the previous question what other topics are you interested in?
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What would you like us to improve?
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