Dream Up Jr Tennis 3-day Holiday Camp
(Estimated Time Taken to Fill Out Form: 3 mins)
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3-day Camp Details
Dates: 14 Mar (Mon) - 16 Mar (Wed) 2022

Time: 3-6pm

Venue: Lagoon view
Camp Fees *
How did you find out about Dream up? *
Student Name in Full *
Student Contact Number *
Student Date of Birth *
Names and ages of other students (Put ‘NA’ is not applicable) *
Any known existing medical conditions/injuries that you/your child have that might affect the session? (eg. ‘Jayden has asthma’) *
I am the *
I declare that all the information provided above are true. I am currently not suffering from any acute ailment or diseases. I hereby declare that I am fit and in excellent health condition to participate in these Dream Up sessions and that I am not on any medication or any form of drug. I also exempt the event organizers, trainers, helpers and officials of all cases of personal injury that may occur at the event and that the first aid / medical officials may attend to me when injured. Should I have to receive treatment at a hospital or any medical institution due to any injury I will be responsible to pay my own expenses.

Initials (By entering your initials in the space below, you are effectively providing your signature, indicating that all the information on this form is true and accurate, to the best of your knowledge.) *
Emergency Contact Name in Full *
Emergency Contact Relation to Participant *
Emergency Contact Number in Full *
Payment details *
Payment confirmation
Please send me a screenshot of payment BY TODAY so that we can check and confirm your booking!

Please note that sessions are ONLY confirmed after payment is made.

Thanks for your cooperation
1. Students are to confirm the number of session/s on a monthly basic before session can begin.
2. Fees and sessions are not transferable to any parties (except for family package).
3. All fees are due at least one week before camp.
4. There will be no refund of fees for withdrawal or absenteeism of students before the end of camp.
5. All terms and conditions are subjected to change without prior notice.
6. Students are responsible for all aspects of booking or securing of playing space, including any cost involved (EG. Tennis court, Squash court, Open field, Skating equipment).
7. Students are the make payment to Dream Up via: 8546 1695 (PayNow or PayLah!) OR 126846614 (POSB Savings Account).
8. Students are the Text 8546 1695 with screenshot/details of payment once transfer is done.
9. Students are to arrange make-up sessions with Coach when there are cancellations due to bad weather.
10. There will be no refund due to bad weather 15-min after session has started.
11. There will be a wet weather program in case of heavy rain.
Initials (By entering your initials in the space below, you are effectively providing your signature, indicating that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions above) *
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