LEGAL ONE Anti-Bullying Professional (ABP) Advanced Certificate of Mastery

Please Complete this form in order to apply for the Fall 2024 offering, 11/1 - 12/19/24. A LEGAL ONE staff member will be in contact shortly after submission to go over the next steps.

The cost of the program is $750 (Pathway 1, 25hrs) for those who have completed LEGAL ONE's Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS) Certificate Program. Otherwise, it is $1100 (Pathway 2, 40hrs) for those who need to complete the ABS program first. 

Upon successful completion of this program, the participant will earn a digital badge and a professional learning certificate.

Contact with any questions or for more information.

Whether you are the Anti-Bullying Specialist or Anti-Bullying Coordinator, or serve as a school leader, you are charged with making decisions that address issues of harassment, intimidation and bullying, have a wide ranging impact on the health and safety of students and staff, and a lasting impact on overall school climate. For more than a decade LEGAL ONE has been the leading provider of school law training regarding New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. We are excited to take this training to the next level with our Advanced Certificate of Mastery. 

This program provides intensive small group instruction, individualized coaching with attorneys and subject matter experts, and certifies that participants are able to demonstrate the real world, authentic knowledge and skills necessary to address this critical need through a research-driven final presentation to a panel of experts.

Additionally, participants are eligible to receive graduate credit and course replacement through Ramapo College of NJ’s MA in Educational Leadership and Post-Masters Programs at a significantly reduced cost.  This is an outstanding and cost-effective opportunity for those seeking additional professional certifications (including the Principal CE, Director of School Counseling Services and School Administrator CE), career advancement and potential salary advancement.
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