Expression of interest / Pre-Enrolment Form
Thank you for your interest in JCM Schools for your child. In order for us to best cater for the needs of your child and to ensure the best fit with JCM it would be appreciated if you could please complete this short pre-enrolment form for each of your children that are interested in joining JCM. All information will be confidential. - Thank you.
Email *
Childs Name  *
Childs date of birth  *
Most recent school year or grade attended *
Last school attended *
Reason for leaving last school *
Language/s spoken at home *
Favourite subjects/ areas of interest, hobbies extra curricular activities *
Does the child have any special educational needs or learning disabilities? If yes, please provide details.
Has the student received any special services (e.g., speech therapy, occupational therapy)? If yes, please specify.
How does the student generally interact with peers? Are there any behavioural concerns or social challenges we should be aware of?
Who does the student live with? Are there any custody arrangements or special family circumstances the school should be aware of?
What are your primary reasons for choosing our school for your child?
What are your expectations for your child’s education and development at our school?
Are you interested in participating in school activities or volunteering opportunities? If yes, in what capacity? 
Is there any other information you believe is important for us to know about your child?
How did you hear about our school?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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