Mentor Application - Formation 2024-25
Thank you for your interest in participating in Formation, a paid mentorship program that pairs BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) local college students studying design with established BIPOC design professionals primarily in the greater Portland, Oregon metro area. In-person and virtual participation options are available.

BIPOC mentors with expertise in all design professions are encouraged to apply, including graphic, interior, product, architecture, apparel, experiential, or any other form of design that shapes our environment or physical experience. Please submit this form to apply for the opportunity to mentor a student during the 2024-25 program.

Application Deadline: Friday, November 15, 2024, 11:59pm

Why join the Formation family? Across different backgrounds and levels of experience, we have heard from members of the design community that they would have benefited from having an advocate early on in their careers. As a mentor for the Formation family, you will have the opportunity to be that advocate for the next generation of BIPOC design professionals. Learn more about Formation.

Questions? Contact Téjara Burt,
Form Questions? Contact Candice Agahan,
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Program Organizers
Preferred First and Last Name
I.e. she, her, he, him, they, them, etc.
Email Address *
Mobile Number *
Your number will only be shared with program organizers. If you would like to share your number with your mentee, you can do so separately.
Check all organizations that you have been involved with
Racial/Ethnic Identity
Formation is open to professionals and students who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latin(x), Asian and/or Pacific Islander.
What are some of your other identities that you would like to share?
Gender, LGBTQIA+, first generation, etc.
List any languages you would be comfortable speaking to students/mentees.
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