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Adjunct Application Form*
*This not an application to a specific job opening.  By completing this form you are adding your information into our adjunct database that is used to fill positions as needed.
Contact Information
Name *
Last, First
Email Address *
Telephone *
Home Address *
Campus and Time Availability
Please tell us where and when you are available.  
Please select the campus(es) where you are interested in teaching *
choose one or more
When are you available to teach? *
choose one or more
Areas of Interest
I am intersted in teaching in the following curricular area(s):
Course descriptions are available at

Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Social Work Research
Social Work Practice
If you are interested in teaching Social Work Practice...
Please list the social work methods/models that you are able to teach
Please indicate the client age groups with which you have worked.
Please indicate whether you have experience in working with any of the following.
Please list any other areas in which you have practice experience/expertise
Faculty teaching clinical social work practice courses must have 5 years of agency practice experience. Please indicate how many years of agency practice experience you have.
(Please review the MSW Curriculum here:
Please identify the elective(s) that you are interest in teaching.
Additional information
Please describe any diversity and social justice related educational experience or training you have either provided and/or participated in in the past three years. If none, please state "none".
Please list any previous teaching experiences and briefly describe your qualifications for teaching graduate-level social work.
Do you have any experience with technology-enhanced courses?
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