Application for 1:1 Coaching with Suzanne Culberg
Fill out your application below and I’ll email you to set up a time to talk about next steps if we’re a fit.
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What's your name? *
Email address? *
What are your goals? What would you like to achieve working together?

What’s currently holding you back from reaching these goals on your own?


How long have you been experiencing these challenges?


What have you tried in the past? Why do you think that didn't work?


What's different this time? Why is now the time to take action and make changes?


On a scale of 1-10 (where 1 is not at all and 10 is absolutely essential) how important is it for you to make these changes now?

not at all
absolutely essential

What draws you to coaching with Suzanne?


Tell me about why you'd be a good fit for 1:1 coaching.

1:1 Coaching  packages are a 6 month commitment for $6000 AUD (approximately $4000 USD).  If we decide we're a fit to work together are you willing to make this investment? (please note you will not be asked to decide on the call).

Is there anything else you'd love for me to know when considering your application?


How did you hear about me?

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