Eabametoong First Nation Community Spay Neuter Clinic Registration & Consultation Survey. Oct 16-20 2024 
The survey information is being collected as part of the consultation process for the Matawa First Nations Management’s and your Chief and Council’s animal services pilot project. We want to hear from you about your ideas and thoughts about pets, their wellness and overpopulation issues and how they affect your family. This important feedback will help to create sustainable animal wellness plans for the future.  We want to hear from you, even if you don't have a pet!

Sign up for vet services (after the survey) under "Spay Neuter Vaccine Registration".
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your First and Last Name: *
Your address: *
Your phone number (if you are signing up for clinic):
How many animals do you own? *
How many pets do you wish to own? *
Why do you have a pet? *
Do you feed or look after other dogs or cats? *
Tell us about your pet(s).
Vaccinated in last year
Spayed or neutered
Age - Young 0-2 years
Age - Adult 3-6 years
Age - Senior 7years and up
Pet #1
Pet # 2
Pet #3
Pet #4
Pet #5
Tell us about your pet(s).
Do you tie your dogs up outside? *
Do all your dogs have a dog house? *
Are pets allowed in your house? *
Do your dogs/cats run loose? *
Rate how important the below animal issues are to you and your family. *
1 = Most Important  5 = Not At All Important
Not very
Not at all
Dog aggression and packing
No access to veterinary care
Danger of catching disease from pets
Too many dogs in the community
Too many cats in the community
People don't care for their animals
Some animals are starving
Human safety - physical (bites) or mental harm (seeing suffering or death)
Are there any additional animal related issues or concerns in your community?
Rate below how important the below possible solutions are to you and your family. *
1 = Most Important  5 = Not At All Important
Not very
Not at all
Register all animals with tags or microchips
Bylaw limiting number of animals allowed per home
Bylaw all animals must be spayed/neutered
Build a pound for strays
Create a feeding station
Dog houses for all dogs
Education about dog care and first aid
Involve dogs in activities like pulling sleds and skiijoring
Enforce community rules and bylaws
Send unowned dogs into rescue
Develop ongoing relationship with vet
Create youth programs and education for responsible pet ownership
Do you have any additional possible solutions?
Please share any stories about your pets or pets in the community.



Do not feed your pet past 8pm the night before surgery.  You can give them water.

If you cannot find a ride, please let us know and we can help!

Please fill out information for each pet individually for spay/neuter surgery or just for vaccines and wellness check. For example - if you have 2 dogs you will need to fill out information for Pet #1 and Pet #2. 
What is the name of your pet #1 you wish to have the vet services for?
Is pet #1 a dog or cat?
Is pet #1 a male or female?
How old is pet #1? Example: 1 year 
What breed is pet #1? Example: DOG: Husky mix, or German Sheppard mix  CAT: long haired or short haired etc
What colour is pet #1? Example: Black, or black and white etc
What services do you want for your pet #1? (check all that apply)
Do you have any health or behaviour concerns for Pet #1?  If so list below.
What is the name of your pet #2 you wish to have the vet services for?
Is pet #2 a dog or cat?
Is pet #2 a male or female?
What breed is pet #2? Example: DOG: Husky mix, or German Sheppard mix  CAT: long haired or short haired etc
What colour is pet #2? Example: Black, or black and white etc
How old is pet #2? Example: 1 year 
What services do you want for your pet #2? (check all that apply)
Do you have any health or behaviour concerns for Pet #2?  If so list below.
What is the name of your pet #3 you wish to have the vet services for?
Is pet #3 a dog or cat?
Is pet #3 a male or female?
What breed is pet #3? Example: DOG: Husky mix, or German Sheppard mix  CAT: long haired or short haired etc
What colour is pet #3? Example: Black, or black and white etc
How old is pet #3? Example: 1 year
What services do you want for your pet #3? (check all that apply)
Do you have any health or behaviour concerns for Pet #3?  If so list below.
What is the name of your pet #4 you wish to have the vet services for?
Is pet #4 a dog or cat?
Is pet #4 a male or female?
What breed is pet #4? Example: DOG: Husky mix, or German Sheppard mix  CAT: long haired or short haired etc
What colour is pet #4? Example: Black, or black and white etc
How old is pet #4? Example: 1 year 
What services do you want for your pet #4? (check all that apply)
Do you have any health or behaviour concerns for Pet #4?  If so list below.
What is the name of your pet #5 you wish to have the vet services for?
Is pet #5 a dog or cat?
Is pet #5 a male or female?
What breed is pet #5? Example: DOG: Husky mix, or German Sheppard mix  CAT: long haired or short haired etc
What colour is pet #5? Example: Black, or black and white etc
How old is pet #5? Example: 1 year 
What services do you want for your pet #5? (check all that apply)
Do you have any health or behaviour concerns for Pet #5?  If so list below.
THANK YOU!  For more information contact Knight Shawinimash on Facebook or kshawinimash@matawa.on.ca.  You can also reach out to Judi Cannon from Matawa Animal Service jcannon@matawa.on.ca
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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