2023 Diwali performance registration
a) Solo participant performance duration is limited to 3 minutes max. However,  group performances (2 participants and more) are encouraged and will be given preference in the event that significantly more entries are received than the time available for the completion of program
b) Group  participants  performance limited to 6 minutes max
c) No more than two performances per participant (Both Solo/Group)
d) Please report at least one hour before the scheduled performance event with the costumes, media, etc. or you will risk being put towards the end of the program or may even lose your spot if we are out of time
e) Kindly submit MP3 versions of your music/songs (wherever applicable) to konkanisabha@gmail.com
f) Konkani Sabha committee reserves the right to select and sequence events in a manner that will bring about an ideal mix of various categories for entertainment and take into account event time constraints
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Solo or group performance? *
Performance type *
Name of performance *
Description of performance (to be used by MCs) -- A few lines, maybe a short paragraph *
Comma separated list of name(s) of participant(s). Please mention age in brackets for children. *
Any media required to play background music? *
Time to set up stage (in minutes). Please write 0 if no set-up time is needed. *
Contact email address *
Contact phone number *
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