SIGNALS Mentor Matching - Mentor Survey
SIGNALS is a networking group for energy and environmental professionals in the Ottawa area. SIGNALS is connected and run by students and alumni from Carleton University’s Masters Programs. We are here to connect students and alumni, and while this year may pose different challenges than previous ones, that remains what we are aiming to do.

This year's incoming cohort of SEP students are going to have a different experience than you did. Many of the best parts of the Masters program, including everything involving meeting like-minded people in person and meeting alumni, will be near impossible to do virtually. SIGNALS is trying to help with that, and we are asking for your time and perspective to help us help students.

We are launching the SIGNALS Mentorship Program: a virtual matching program where an incoming SEP student gets matched with one or two alumni of the Sustainable Energy Policy program. Each student participant will be paired with an alumni with either a similar background, or similar interests. The aim of the program is to connect regularly to touch base, make connections with professionals in the field, ask questions about the program or industry, and hopefully both gain an insight or two from the experience.

As alumni of the program, you have insights and experience that you likely wish someone had shared with you when you first started your Masters degree. This is your chance to share those with a cohort of students who will need all the support they can get. This program would involve regularly connecting and chatting with a student, and participation costs nothing except your time.

In this survey, we want to learn more about each of you - your background and your interests. Once we get a sense of where each of your interests lie, we will aim to pair you with a mentee who we feel would be a good match. We also want to learn more about what you might want to get out of a mentorship experience, which elements you feel are "must-haves" in a mentor-mentee relationship, and how frequently you might want to connect with a mentee (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or once a semester are all options).

If you fill out this survey, we will take it as a sign that you are interested in participating in the program, and will being the process of finding you a student to match with. We may not be able to match everyone, and ask that you understand we are putting "fits well with a given student" as the number on criteria for inclusion.

Please complete the information below.
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Email *
First and Last Name
Preferred contact information (email address)
Current job title and organization (if government, please put current branch and department)
Educational background - Undergraduate and Masters
What motivated you to return to school to get your Masters degree?
Of these broad topics what are you most passionate about?
Who would you like to mentor - someone with a background (education / working) in: *
How would you like to connect with a mentor?
How frequently would you be able to connect with a mentee? *
Mentorship preference?
Are there elements or characteristics that you feel are "must-haves" in a mentee?
Additional thoughts or comments (related to questions above or new)
Thanks for responding!
We will be collecting responses, and will reach out again when you have been paired with a mentee.
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