PITP Collaboration Interest
Thank you for opening this form and showing interest in PITP and what we do! 

As a club, we strive to empower students with the essential tools, knowledge, and transformative experiences to thrive in their professional IT careers. A big part of that are events made possible through collaborations with organizations like yours! Please respond to the prompts below so we can gauge interest and plan our semester meeting schedule accordingly.

For general information about us, visit our website.
To stay connected, follow us on LinkedIn
For questions, feel free to email us at: pitp@purdue.edu
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Company Name *
First & Last Name *
Email *
Please indicate what type of event you are interested to collaborate with us on *
If you selected "Other", please provide more specific information here:
Please provide some dates or a range of dates that you are available to participate in an event on (we usually meet on Tuesday's from 7:30-8:30pm EST but are flexible depending on the type of event) *
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