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Used Surfboard (and SUP) Sale Registration - Nov 18 from 11am to 9pm @ Humble Sea Brewing - Sponsored by Ventana Surfboards
Humble Sea Brewing Co. and Ventana Surfboards are sponsoring a used surfboard and paddleboard sale on Sat, Nov 18 at 800 Swift Street, Santa Cruz. Participation is free!
Here's more event info:
Fill out this survey to tell us about the board(s) you plan to sell at this event.
We will contact you with more information after you register your boards. Note that we can sell your board(s) for you if you'd like for a 10% service fee.
You'll need to show up with your board(s) before 1pm on Nov 18 and pick them up before 9pm if they haven't sold.
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List the board(s) you plan to sell
Note: If you're there to sell the boards, there's no charge. If you want us to manage the sale, the commission is 10%.
: board dimensions, price you want, minimum price you'll accept
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Got photos or videos of your boards?
Email photos or videos of your boards to
. If you have an Instagram or other social media account, we can tag you when we post the boards. Give us details below...
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Any comments or questions? Write them below or send to David Dennis via text or email: 831-915-4326 or
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